Miflex Hoses
We have been the official UK based distributor for Miflex 2 since the original launch of the products to the diving industry in 2006.
We are proud of our involvement in the launch and development of the brand since, with Miflex becoming a standout brand in the global diving industry.
Email: sales@miflexhoses.co.uk
We continue to work closely with Miflex 2 and offer quality range guides & information to customers to support the Miflex brand to further explain the options & products in more detail.
Delivering to dive stores & customers around the world, delivering the highest quality of service to support the quality brand that is Miflex.
Products Ranges include:
- Miflex Xtreme regulator & inflator hoses
- Miflex XT-tech regulator & inflator hoses
- Miflex Carbon HD high pressure gauge hoses